Prayerfully Starting …

The year (the “CpCenter year, that is) would not have started on a better note! My pastor himself came to start off the year for us with prayers. Not that it was arranged, I guess that is why I am this excited and to me it points at the signs of the good things that lay in stock for the center this year and beyond.

The labor Union called off the strike on Monday, thus work was to resume yesterday, Tuesday. Hm.. I both liked and hated it. Anyway, it is good to start work, there is a lot that I need to get done. I was not sure if the children would come, I know that a few people were not quite sure what to expect on the road especially as some group were  unhappy with what they call labor “surrendering” to the government and were insisting on carrying on with the protest. I  decided I must be at Center lest any child is brought in.

By the time I got thereat about  8.30a.m, the staff were already there and they had set up the place, hmm.. some people were tired of being indoors I thought. I put Ziim down and tried to look at what would be her program fr the day.Shortly after Mrs G, Enoch’s mum called to know if the Center was on; yes it is. She came in about 9a.m with Enoch who looked chubby, more than be was last year. We sat at the reception talking about the situation in the country. I was holding E and I noted that the frequency of his seizures seems to be on the increase, I asked his mum if he is given his medications regularly. She said that they ran out of  the anti seizure drugs , they were supposed see the doctor the day the strike started and get a refill, but they did not because of the strike. So for about 6 days he has not had his AED medications, Oh my God!!  We were talking about the effect of that when my phone went.

I did not recognize the number, I answered, the caller said, this is Fr. O. F, what number is your place? I am coming there. Surprise, surprise. I gave him the address, in less than 5 minutes he was there! Ah. this is a pleasant surprise! He said he went to a parish around and thereafter decided to come and see what we are doing at the Center. I told him what the Center is doing, its aim principally, apart from creating awareness of the condition Cerebral palsy, is be a sort of respite place for mothers with children with Cp, like Enoch’s mum, they can leave their children in the center and go to work assured that necessary therapies are provided for the children. Services are free, the center is run by donation from friends and well wishers. Enoch’s mum told him how she found the center so valuable that the family had to recently relocate to be closer to the center.

And then we prayed, we sang, we prayed for like 45 minutes!! He was holding Ziim and carrying Enoch. It was good! It could not have been a better way to start the (center) year, prayerfully starting the year, with my pastor himself leading the prayer! !


One thought on “Prayerfully Starting …

  1. It is well, and God has provided the solution, EVEN BEFORE the problem. “Be still and know………
    that He is God.


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